Chapter M's Wacky Dinner

     Imagine being served a four course meal by your chapter staff.  Quite a meal it was, with all the trimmings that would be expected of such a memorable event.  Of course, there was only one problem.  You selected the sixteen items from a menu.  Then you were expected to complete each course in an allotted time of fifteen minutes.

    This of course would be very reasonable, except for the fact that the items you had to select from included utensils and the actual foodstuffs. The foodstuffs and utensils  were identified by crazy names rather than their actual names. 

      Well, as one of our member found out, if the four items that you received from the first course were the utensils, that could be a problem.  You couldn't keep those items for the next three courses.  Ice cream without a spoon?  Peas without a fork? And so the list goes on. The mashed potatoes turned into "finger" food.  I think you'll get the idea by looking at the pictures or the video.

Wacky Dinner Pictures or Video