Saturday's Ride To The Historic BOK Sanctuary Another great day welcomed us at our 9 AM drivers meeting. Fifteen bikes/trikes showed up for the ride over to Lake Wales. The temperature was in the low seventies and gradually worked it's way up to the mid eighties by the time we headed home. Our ride consisted of a little interstate riding but mostly we rode the rural roads to and from our destination. Don and Tina set up all the arrangements for the ride so when we arrived we got a bite to eat then wandered throughout the beautiful grounds. Some of us toured the Pinewood estate, which is located on the grounds. It is an elegant building that was built back during the depression by Mr. Buck of Bethlehem Steel. He only used it for only six weeks during the winters. Before heading back across the bridges to the coast we stopped at Parksdale Farms for fresh strawberry short cake, strawberry milk shakes and a few flats of fresh strawberrys to bring home. With full tummies some of us headed directly home, while others headed down south into Bradenton to grab a late dinner at Mel's diner and then headed back across the Sunshine Skyway. (Al, what's with the new hat ?) A perfect day and a great ride ! This was a very unique ride as we now have very good list of candidates for "I Dropped My Bike Award", "The Sloppy Pin Award" and "The Whiner Award". or |